
History of Miracle Valley

God spoke to a young rancher in Arizona, Brother Urbane Leiendecker…

Brother Leiendecker had just been filled with the Holy Spirit. He was communing with God, asking how he could fulfil the call the Lord had given him to send the Gospel throughout the world, a living Gospel, confirmed by signs, wonders and miracles.

As he sat there for a few moments in his pick-up truck in front of the range house, the very stars seem to grow and draw nearer until he seemed engulfed in a blaze of light. Then God spoke to him…“My son, from this place the Gospel shall go out to all the world…with signs, wonders and miracles. Lo, from the far away places, they shall come to this valley to be instructed and taught of My way, and from here they shall go to take the world My deliverance…”

A short time later, as Brother Leiendecker was praying and asking God how all this was to come about, and what he should do toward bringing it to pass, God spoke to him again and said “Give this ranch to A.A.Allen, for My glory!

Not fully understanding the Lord’s plan, he tried to sell the range, intending to give the money to Brother Allen. But each time he thought he had a buyer, before he could transfer the property, something would happen to prevent the sale.

The great A.A.Allen Winter Camp Meeting was just opening, January 1st, 1958, at Phoenix, Arizona. There had been a glorious Watch Night service the night before, and the first early morning prayer meeting was in session. Then God spoke to Brother Allen’s heart to share with this group the burden of his heart, for here he was to see the fulfilment of his vision.

As Brother Leiendecker heard it, God spoke again to him, saying, “This is what I have asked you to do with your range! This is the purpose for which I have ordained it and told you to give it to Brother Allen.

Promptly, Brother Leiendecker walked forward and told Brother Allen how God had spoken to him.

Within a few days, a clear deed to 1280 acres of the finest land in Arizona had been recorded in the name of A.A.Allen Revivals, Inc. at the Cochise County Courthouse.

Others, inspired by Brother Leiendecker’s gift, joined in to help develop the property and to supply all that was needed to get the land ready and to begin to build a Miracle Valley Training Centre and Christian Schools.

By succession of miracles, the vision had been made a reality.

For several years the Lord had been burdening Brother Allen about the need for a training centre, where young men and women, called of God and eager to be about the Master’s business, could go for a short, efficient training course to prepare them to carry the Gospel confirmed with signs following to the ends of the earth.

He did not envision another seminary where years are required to learn to speak beautiful phrases without the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Rather, he asked the Lord to help him establish a place where young souls, burning with the fresh zeal of their new found salvation, could be inspired, where knowledge of God’s Word would be added while the zeal was kept aglow; a place where students could draw near to God, could hear His voice, and shape their lives according to His instructions; where consecrated, Spirit-filled instructors and counsellors would give prayerful consideration to individual needs and help solve personal problems, so that when they went forth they would go in power, defeating Satan and doing a quick work for God.

He envisioned a place where boys and girls might secure needed education and at the same time receive a spiritual impact that would change their lives and build them into better men and women; a place where those who have met with misfortune, young and old, and have become discouraged, could find faith and courage to set their feet again upon the pathway to a happy, useful life.